Message from Vice President for administrative and Students Affairs
Ethiopian Federal Democratic Republic has invested and is investing immensely in the massive expansion of higher education institutions because these institutions are believed to supply the much-needed human resources to the society. They are, by and large, the sources of scientific and technological advancement and economic growth of a country. With this contention, Madda Walabu University was established in February 2005 and commenced teaching in December 2006, taking about 750 students on two campuses, Robe main campus and Goba campus, with human resources of about 76 academic staff and 24 support workers
Currently, the university is offering training on the two campuses and a newly established additional campus in Shashemene town. The university is also offering various community services, most notably medical service in Gob Referral Hospital (the hospital which was transferred to the university in recent time). In general, Madda Walabu University is carrying out training, research and community outreach with the total of human resource of about 2476 (949 teaching staff and 1527 support workers).
In order to achieve its goal, the university is structured under three major wings: Academic Vice President Office, Administration and Development Vice President Office, and Research, Community Services and Technology Transfer Vice President Office. The Academic sector strives to realize the effective teaching-learning core process through four colleges, one institute, and three schools. The Research, Community Services, and Technology Transfer wing, consisting of three directorates, is making every effort to create conducive research environment and realize various community service engagements. The Administration and Development wing consists of the following nine departments:
- Administration and Development Vice President Directorate
- Student Service Directorate
- Human Resource Management Directorate
- Finance and Budget Directorate
- Procurement and Property Management Directorate
- Facility Management and Security Directorate
- Technique and Engineering Directorate
- Addis Ababa Liaison Office
Through these departments and sub-departments, the Administration and Development Vice President Office is exerting its maximum effort to contribute to the achievement of the main mission and vision of the university. The office is responsible for empowering and mobilizing human resources, managing the finance and procurement systems and monitoring the proper utilization and management of material resources. The office also manages the provision of accommodation, food, health, recreation and other services to students. Further, the office facilitates the provision and maintenance of various infrastructures, plans and manages the campus beautification based on the campus main landscape and maintains the campus security issue. Other than this, the Administration and Development Vice President’s Office is making working to generate resources and develop the university’s income.
Madda Walabu University has a long journey to travel in terms of expanding infrastructure, providing learning resources and facilities, and enhancing staff development and leadership commitment scenarios in order to achieve its goal to the fullest level. Using this opportunity, I would like to request all the stakeholders to contribute to the attainment of the university’s mission and vision.
Dirriba Kejela, (PhD)