Medical Equipment donationed to Madda Walabu University Goba Teaching and Referral Hospital!

Medical Equipment donationed to Madda Walabu University Goba Teaching and Referral Hospital!
Madda Walabu University has recieved three containers full of medical equipment and supplies. Two containers of Medical Equipment donated by Human Bridge, Sweden facilitated by Dr. Adamu Anley, Human Bridge country Director. The containers from Human Bridge maily contain essential equipment much needed for furnishing the nearly completed new Hospital building including 114 fully electrical Patient beds, operating tables, ultrasound, Electrocardiography machine, different wheel chairs, waking supports etc. A container of Medical equipment and supplies is donated by Project C.U.R.E, USA which was facilitated by Sof Umar Community of Minnesota, USA and diaspora communities from Various countries. The equipment delivered at the presence of Dr. Adamu Anley – Human Bridge country Director, Sheek Yahya Abdurahman Chairman of Sof Umar Community of Minnesota, local administration, Madda Walabu University management and employees, and the local community.
MWU and the local community are so grateful for the essential medical equipment we received today. Our supporters in the diaspora, mainly in the United States, made this first round of shipment of the Medical Equipment.
These generosity will enable us not only to improve the quality of care we deliver but also to expand the care we provide. It gives our caregivers, our community, and educators a huge moral boost.
It is also a testament that all of our university’s activities are deep rooted in our community despite where they currently reside in the world. The University is committed to continue work with our communities/supporters near and far.
Once again the university and local community are in debt to your generosity, especially to Human Bridge (Special gratitude goes to Dr. Adamu Anley – Human Bridge country Director), Project C.U.R.E, our community in and around washington DC (small but vibrant- Who paid for the shipment of a container from Sweden to Djibouti port), Sof Umar Community of Minnesota and supporters (who made relentless effort over several months covered the shipment cost from USA to Madda Walabu University Goba Teaching Referral Hospital).
Madda Walabu University
Excellent through Diversity!